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These files can be opened and run in Google Colab. When clicking on a link below for the first time, you will see a bunch of code appearing in a new web browser window (don’t be alarmed by this). Sign in to your school-linked Google account by pressing the Sign In button (if you’re not already signed into your Google account). Be sure to sign into your school-linked Google account in order to be able to be connected to your school’s learning management system. Then save a copy to your own Google Drive from the file menu: File > Save a copy in Drive

You are now ready to use and modify the notebook according to your teacher’s instructions and any changes you make will be automatically saved to your copy in the Colab Notebooks folder of your Google Drive.

Stemgraphic tool

Stemgraphic stem-and-leaf plot

Seaborn graphing tools

Seaborn countplot (bar charts for categorical variables)

Seaborn barplot (bar charts for quantitative summary statistics)

Seaborn histplot (histograms)

Seaborn displot (distribution plots)

Seaborn boxplot (boxplots)

Seaborn boxenplot (boxenplot)

Seaborn stripplot (stripplot)

Seaborn scatterplot (scatterplots)

Seaborn regression plot (regplot)

Seaborn linear model plots (lmplot)

Seaborn residual plots (residplot)

Seaborn pair plot (pairplot)

Seaborn joint plots (jointplot)

Matplotlib graphing tools

matplotlib dotplot

Empirical rule and normal probability graphs